Developer Posts
Posts filed under Developer Posts

pymysql.err.OperationalError: (4091, "Unknown SEQUENCE: 'selling_step_id_seq'") - Autoincrement Doctype name error
I am getting this error on saving a record in selling step doctype in erpnext. My doctype has naming series set as Autoincrement. pymysql.err.OperationalError: (4091, "Unknown SEQUENCE: 'selling_step

INTERNAL SERVER ERROR, Your system is being updated. Please refresh again after a few moments, Verifying
We are stuck on "Your system is being updated. Please refresh again after some time." We have tried common site config, site config file and also the bench set-maintenance-mode off but none of them wo
SSL Protocol / TLS version running on NGINX / ERPNext Site
Axis bank asked us to downgrade our TLS version from 1.3 to 1.2 because of their own limitations. This blog tells how we did it so that we can do it in the future for some other customers if required.
Suddenly backup size reduced to MBs & it's currupt
We installed ERPNext at Grand and the database size increased beyond 55GB within 8 months of usage. Suddenly one day we found that the backup is taken by the system automatically has reduced to jus